LATEST NEWS - Pittfield Devil Dogs

Last updated - Nov 2, 2000


Out to avenge the shoddy play-off losses of previous teams, the Devil Dogs of Pittsfield have something to prove. Consistently middle of the pack curs, dramatic efforts have been made to become the alpha leader.

The construction of this power-house of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd tier players began long ago with the subtle acquisition of Sir Isaac of Bruce. Little known and lesser respected, this player has developed into the rock solid foundation of the Devil Dog Pack. More recently, the acquisitions of Brian (home-town hero) Griese and David (enemy of the state) Boston proved to be prophetic. Players Frank (what is blocking?) Wycheck, Matt (lucky I'm on a hot team) Stover, and the subtle snaring of two dominant defensive powers along with an intimidating turn-over defense have produced a balanced team that intends to overwhelm the running back frenzy of the league.

The defection of Curtis (hey, where's parcell?) Martin is expected to have only minimal impact with the acquisition of dependable, if not top tier running back Charlie (can a RB carry a whole team?) Garner. Gambles for future studs include Ahman (anything but Holmgren) Green, and Shawn (just gimme a chance) Bryson. Warrick (look, I'm right here behind Alstott) Dunn is as dependable a wide receiver as there is in the running back corps.

20001102 - Post game Week 9 - (Number 9... Number 9... Number 9)

These games just won't get easier. Two tight games in a row, putting down the Bonecrushers in a divisional battle, and watching the Dragons freeze themselves out of the game. These Devil Dogs were definitely stretched thin. With poor options and choices made for week 9, and extremely poor defense in week 8, nail-biting was the gameday meal. Just like golf, we play these things one stroke at a time. The fall of the Brawlers was unexpected and certainly not likely to be a pattern. These Dogs can only hope to keep these short legs pumping.

These Dogs make a trip to Pennsylvania, and hope that chocolate doesn't prove to be poison. Hershey has all options available, as do our Devils. This is certainly a key game for those hard shelled morsels as they contend for their divisional high ground. A non-conference loss by Pittsfield would do little harm, except to the record books and might have playoff placement implications. Dare we dream of the first league perfect season?

Looking ahead, the only expected major vulnerability will be the week 11 bye of the D-Y Redskins.

20001019 - Warm up for Week 8 - Grinding the Bonecrushers.

Texas suffers a tough bye at WR and TE. The Dogs would grant them a replay just to have their best effort. Too bad that we won't be "phoning-in" our roster. These Dogs are ready the turn the Bonecrushers to their calcium components, effectively removing them from wild-card contention. The gnashing of teeth is already becoming a horrible din.

20001017 - Post game Week 7 - Big Red!

Six ten-plus point performances and only two categories below seven points. Now that's a team! The huntin' dogs sniffed out all those game birds and we shot them down one by one. The bugeaters of West Broward were no match for these short legged but muscular team of dogs. They could not be saved, even with the amazing 13 points from the TE spot. A team just can't win with Oh-fers. Clearly the weakest team in the league this year.

20001010 - Post game Week 6 - can you say SEX and OOOOHHH!

Not even close. Even an excellent performance by the Oyster's Jeff (all in the wrist) Garcia could not raise these urchins up from the bottom of the pool. The conference gap grows wider with the faltering Bonecrushers unable to injure the Brawlers drive for the championship.

Those Bostonians look tough. Brawlers have the edge over these Dogs in QB and D-Y, with most other positions looking nearly equal. Dog have advantage in PK and small point margins in RB and WR. Marginally, a contest based upon performances to-date would put the Dogs in a submissive position.

The Dogs are happy to not have those Bostonians on our schedule this year, until, perhaps, the CHAMPIONSHIP GAME!!!! Monterey sits just over our league leading shoulders with only a tie soiling their record. Monterey is coming up to a tough stretch with Boston next week and these Devil Dogs in week nine. Truly a gauntlet in which bodies will be tossed aside, and goals may be redefined.

20001006 - Commentary for Week 6 - Intraconference rivalry

Dogs don't like oysters. Dogs must eat oysters. Dogs hope the cramps pass soon. Some Dogs go to sleep before oyster meal. Bye-bye Bruce, bye-bye Ismail, bye-bye STL D-T. The rest of the pack will prevail without your participation, you devils. This opponent only suffers at TE and sacks. After this, we run at full pack for several games.

20001001 - Post game Week 5 - five and ohh!

An incredibly tense weekend as I watched the performances intently nearly minute by minute. The numbers were so close as the Stars accumulated solid numbers from the power positions. The Dogs of Pittsfield showed their Devilish nature by producing valuable points from TE and Kicker positions which proved to be the decisive difference. A late returning D-Y Redskins score only affirmed the victory.

This performance secures a solid standing in the conference, and validates the league leading record of five great wins.

20000928 - Commentary for Week 5
Grrrr. Whimper... Griese (Ques), Wycheck (Ques), Boston (Prob). I can only hope to survive this coming weekend against another territorial claim. Tough roster calls to come in order to show my sharpest fangs.

The scent of new markings are being detected within our roaming area. We must muster all our bodily fluids against this up-start in our midst. A flash of teeth, and the taste of whelp blood; they beckon me to the fray. I may yet feast on the pheromones of fear, and merely watch as the combatant departs us as a loner.

20000926 - Post game Week 4 - four and oh.

A lucky choice in calling on Steve McNair, who came in at the end of his game to lead the Titans to victory. Fortunately, his Devil Dog points were unnecessary as Charlie (da meat) Garner became "the offense" for the 49er's. As each weekly PFC opponent seems to get better offense, the Dog defense looks more and more meager, while still producing consistent numbers. The only regret is not playing Ahman Green who turned in his best performance of the season along side D.Levens for the GNB team. The team still huddles over the recovery of Frank (head of lead) Wycheck.

Victory in a tough game over a opponent fully capable of turning the tables. No complaints, Mate.

20000921 - Commentary for Week 4

The ownership is pondering the severe blows to their quarterback corps. Brian (the dog with a horse's kick) Griese, may play through his shoulder damage. Steve (the sternum of paste) McNair doesn't throw much, and is likely to throw less this week if he plays at all. What's an owner to do?

This upcoming weekend requires all Dogs at full howl. Waterford Wildcats are certainly not this Dog's best friend. These cats are bigger than those domestic varieties of the past. With no major bye-week holes for either team, only injuries and NFL opponents will change the line-ups.

20000919 - Week 3 results. The power of the Weiner-dogs reign supreme.

Years of patience and virtue have payed off in the form of a 3-0 start. History of past franchise starts fade in memory and obscurity so the celebration starts anew! Excellent performances from Bruce, Boston, Wycheck, Garner, and Griese, along with a defense that has only allowed 47 points over three games has made this early run exciting.

Surprise contributions from Warrick (i catch da ball) Dunn and David (bye week) Sloan make the run all the more sweet.

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